

我们的学生来自不同的背景, from first-time undergraduates and community college transfers to veterans and parents returning to the classroom later in life. 我们很自豪能够为所有学生提供适合他们独特需求的教育, 目标, 和生活, 以电子游戏软件学位的资源和声望为后盾.




The 应用文科 degree consists of six major requirements and either five or six courses within a specific discipline. 

Choose from six concentrations:

  • English
  • 历史
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Philosophy
  • Political Science                      
  • Sociology

Think critically, 学习深, 并分析各种不同背景和情况下的无数问题. 你&我将获得坚实的学术基础,这是今天非常宝贵的技能's的世界,以及一种深度的精神,这将帮助你成为一个有同理心的问题解决者. 

广告 & 公共关系 记者 电子游戏正规平台分析师 教育家 档案管理员 公共政策 法律

Students graduate with a skillset that’s agile, wide-ranging, and informed by data.  具有扎实的数据分析基础, 项目管理, 通讯及其他, 学生们已经准备好以对社会负责的态度向前迈进, 以道德为导向的商业领袖.


  • Data Analysis and Probability
  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Principles of 经济学
  • 项目管理
  • Financial Accounting
  • Management and Organizational Behavior 
  • Corporate Communication
  • Principles of Finance
  • 业务 法律
  • Strategic Leadership

In this 业务 bachelor’s degree program, 你将具备所有雇主都需要的沟通技能, 以及急需的技能,包括批判性思维, 伦理领导, 定量分析, 项目管理, 风险管理. 

财务经理 采购经理 人力资源经理
公元前:学校/ wca / program-browser /卡/业务
刑事 & 社会正义


Students graduate understanding the processes through which criminal laws are made and enforced, the major theories of criminality, and the 经济 and psychological factors that underpin criminal behavior. They will apply social scientific research methods to particular case studies while honing their written and spoken communication skills.

Sample courses:

  • Introduction to Criminology
  • 刑事 法律
  • 刑事 Justice
  • 电子游戏正规平台 Methods for the Social Sciences
  • Two upper-level sociology and/or psychology courses

Explore the social, 经济, 以及犯罪行为的心理因素,了解刑事司法在现代社会是如何运作的. 你也会评估政治, 法律, 司法机构以及围绕犯罪和惩罚的伦理问题.

警察 感化或假释主任 特工 律师助理 刑事辩护律师 地方检察官 法学院的学生 社会工作学生
公元前:学校/ wca / program-browser /卡/刑事司法

With some 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs around the world, our expert-taught program provides core competencies that will enable you to protect both public and private organizations from today’s urgent threats. Through in-person, online, and hybrid course options ranging from Computer Networks to Ethical Hacking, our curriculum emphasizes risk management, 风险承受能力, 降低风险.


Want to join the fight against cyberattacks and work in one of the world’s fastest-growing fields? 这个弹性B.A. program provides a robust foundation that will prepare you to meet the surging demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals and succeed in the ever-changing cyber ecosystem.

网络风险分析师 信息安全工程师 安全运营分析师 联邦调查局特工 风险合规分析师
公元前:学校/ wca / program-browser /卡/网络安全

The cybersecurity certificate program lays the foundation for security professionals to achieve success.  网络安全计划提供了适应业务变化所需的强大技能基线, 技术, 威胁环境. 在程序内, 重点将放在风险管理的概念上, 风险承受能力, 降低风险.

With a customizable six-course curriculum that blends online and in-person classes. Courses include:

  • 网络安全 Fundamentals
  • Computer Security
  • Technical Writing
  • Computer Networks
  • Systems Analysis and Design
  • Python Programming (elective)
  • C++ Programming (elective)

In today’s ever changing cybersecurity landscape, the success of a security program needs to have its roots in risk management -- implementing security controls and compliance with regulatory requirements to achieve the level of 风险承受能力 acceptable to the organization. 

网络风险分析师 信息安全工程师 安全运营分析师 风险合规分析师
公元前:学校/ wca / program-browser /卡/ cybersecurity-certificate


Through this major, students hone their spoken and written communication skills and examine theories of interpersonal, relationship, group, organizational, and mass communication. Students will apply social scientific research methods to case studies and consider the ethical implications of mass communication in society.

B.A. Program Details

Acquire an in-depth understanding of the many ways communication affects—and is affected by—modern societies. 关注范围从人际沟通到广告主如何, 政治运动, 媒体运用大众传播, 这个专业或证书使你能够分析生活中各个方面的信息.

通信专业 公共关系专员 广告 编辑器 保险人 技术作家
公元前:学校/ wca / program-browser /卡/交流

Students aiming to become bankers, business managers, market researchers, budget analysts, or others working in careers where they need to know the intricacies of economies will be well-suited for success with this degree. Students learn to differentiate between market structures and analyze case studies using theories of 经济 growth, unemployment, and inflation.

Required courses:

  • Principles of 经济学: Micro
  • Principles of 经济学: Macro
  • Macro经济 Theory
  • Micro经济 Theory
  • Elementary Economic Statistics
  • 你r choice of three upper-level 经济学 electives

M.S. Program Details


Want to understand how consumers and businesses behave? 对于有志于掌握理论和实践技能的学生来说,这是我们市场驱动世界的核心, 该课程提供了对现代社会经济动态的360度了解.

银行家 业务经理 市场电子游戏正规平台 预算分析
公元前:学校/ wca / program-browser /卡/经济学

Learn the narrative and stylistic techniques employed by classic writers of fiction and nonfiction in order to:

  • Write at an advanced level
  • Distinguish between different periods in 美国 and British literature
  • Interpret literature through the lenses of class, 比赛, 性别, and historical context
  • Thoughtfully criticize works of literature
  • Imaginatively inhabit the perspectives of others

In addition to courses in British, 美国, 和世界文学, 这门课程需要另外四门英语选修课, 还有两门写作课.

The English concentration builds upon skills that are first introduced in the College Writing and Literary Works core requirements. Honing these technical skills and developing a strong base in the English language will allow you to translate those skills into any future discipline.

记者 演讲的作家 格兰特的作家 发展官 电子游戏正规平台分析师 文字编辑 文案 公共关系主任
公元前:学校/ wca / program-browser /卡/英语

我们的课程包括欧洲, 美国, pre-modern, and non-Western history. 作为批判性思考者, 学生运用历史探究的工具和概念,清晰有效地传达电子游戏正规平台结果.

Major requirements:

  • Modern 历史 I
  • Modern 历史 II
  • Two 美国 历史 courses
  • One Pre-Modern 历史 course
  • One Asian, 非洲, 拉丁美洲的, or 中东 历史 course
  • Four 历史 electives

Deepen your understanding of the present through an immersion in the events and cultures of the past. 我们的课程包括欧洲, 美国, 拉丁美洲的, 非洲, 中东, 以及从前现代性到现在的亚洲历史.

中小学教育工作者 历史组织电子游戏正规平台员 档案管理员 Records Manager 法学院的学生
公元前:学校/ wca / program-browser /卡/历史


This major emphasizes technical and theoretical issues in information 技术. From 项目管理 to collaborative computing, the curriculum prepares you to program computer applications and employ software and 技术 related to security.

你'll begin with an immersion in the basic tools and concepts of computing, then move on to examine programming, modern computer and web-based applications, and advanced software and hardware development.

Today&许多组织依赖于信息技术专业知识. Students pursuing this degree or certificate prepare to fill that role by working their way from simple computer applications toward advanced software and hardware development.

数据库管理员 资讯系统经理 IT顾问 系统开发人员 网络工程师
公元前:学校/ wca / program-browser /卡/信息系统

This flexible program allows you to choose courses in consultation with your advisor. 你将以综合成绩毕业, multifaceted understanding of our contemporary times and be prepared to:

  • Address a variety of research problems using an interdisciplinary approach
  • Design research projects that respect the ethical boundaries inherent in the study of humans
  • Communicate effectively in writing and orally
  • Collaborate meaningfully with your peers and faculty

Critically examine our rapidly changing society through this dynamic program. 在跨学科电子游戏正规平台集中, you will work with your academic advisor to design a course of study that allows you to draw upon the other disciplines within the ALA major. 

老师 营销经理 教育管理人员 人力资源助理 发展官 住宅顾问 社会工作学生
公元前:学校/ wca / program-browser /卡/社会科学

Nondegree students are vital to Woods College and 电子游戏软件, enriching the classroom and our communities. They come to Woods to learn new skill sets, improve their understanding of specific disciplines, and complete certificate programs. Some may also be looking to try out a subject before committing to a program or enhance their academic track record.

Register for a course

Enhance your understanding of specific disciplines, 辨别你的兴趣, 在参加一个项目之前,先尝试一个项目. 如果你被录取,我们的非学位课程允许你转换为攻读学位的状态, 同时也受益于电子游戏软件严格的教育.

公元前:学校/ wca / program-browser /卡/ non-degree-undergrad

This major is ideal for students who seek to understand the world around them at its deepest level. 你'我们将学习解决关于知识的基本问题, 善, 而人类经历的本质是清晰的, 系统的方式. 我们的课程以古代和启蒙运动的伟大作品为基础, 本课程向学生介绍哲学探究的主要领域,包括政治哲学, 宗教哲学, 还有科学哲学.

Who are we, and why are we here? 知识、真理和正义的本质是什么? This concentration explores these and other enduring questions that form the basis of our shared humanity while sharpening your critical thinking and analytical skills in the process.

律师助理 非营利组织管理员 记者 作家 教育家 法学院的学生
公元前:学校/ wca / program-browser /卡/哲学

Students graduate from this major with a strong grasp of the intricacies of political life, 能够从各种理论角度分析政治过程和制度.


  • Fundamental Concepts of Politics
  • Social and Political Philosophy
  • Comparative Politics
  • International Relations
  • 电子游戏正规平台 Methods for the Social Sciences
  • Gender Politics
  • 法律 and Morality
  • Two courses in 美国 Politics
  • Two upper-level Political Science and/or 法律 electives

Explore the concepts underpinning the U.S. 在将这些知识扩展并应用于整个政治之前. 你'll be exposed to other forms of political systems found throughout the world while honing your analytical and communications skills.

公共政策 运动工人 城市经理 说客 外国服务 办公室的律师助理 法学院的学生
公元前:学校/ wca / program-browser /卡/政治学

This major is ideal for students who want to analyze human behavior through the lenses of developmental history, 社会科学, 认知心理学, 公民社会.  你'll study with leading practitioners and industry experts as you learn to apply key theories from the field of psychology to solve real-world issues at work, 在你的社区里, 在社会上. 


  • Introduction to 心理学
  • 电子游戏正规平台 Methods for the Social Sciences
  • Developmental 心理学
  • Applied Statistics
  • Cognitive 心理学
  • 心理学 in Context
  • Six 心理学 electives

Do you wonder why we do what we do and what makes us tick? 通过这个灵活的项目来寻找答案, 它涵盖了心理学的许多应用领域. 课程提供夜间、在线和混合形式.

社区服务经理 健康教育家 市场电子游戏正规平台分析师 社会服务倡导者 人事部的个案经理 员工体验专员 阿坝治疗师 品牌战略/规划师

This program will introduce you to classical and contemporary sociological theories and challenge you to apply these theories in evaluating social phenomena. 到你毕业的时候, 你将对现代社会中行为和互动的复杂性有一个牢固的把握.


  • Introductory Sociology
  • Sociological Theories
  • 电子游戏正规平台 Methods for the Social Sciences
  • Qualitative Methods
  • Class, 权力, and Social Change
  • Three upper-level Sociology courses
  • Two upper-level Political Science and/or 心理学 electives

Develop the skills necessary to apply a sociological lens to everyday life in addition to scholarly research. 你将学会分析和批判社会, 结构, and cultural factors that influence those experiences with a particular focus on using these skills for the betterment of the human condition.

社会工作者 学生犯罪 高中教师 政策分析 人口统计学家 调查电子游戏正规平台人员 统计学家
公元前:学校/ wca / program-browser /卡/社会学



B的近似总成本.A. 在伍兹学院





